Family Picture Ideas and Tips

The dreaded family there anything worse? Hate it in the the photos when I get them back.

So the big question is, are family pictures worth it? Absolutely! My family photos are some of my favorite prized possessions. Being a blogger it may look like we have everything together, it's not true. However I feel like I have some family picture ideas to make the most of it!

Family Picture Ideas and Tips

1. How to pick outfits:

I'm going to be straight up honest, I choose my outfit and then build everyone else around me... sue me! I have gone anywhere from super casual to black tie. I want everyone to mesh, but not be too matchy matchy. Having two boys, I have been known to dress them the same, I couldn't help it. Don't look into it too much, to be honest I really feel that most outfits will look good together, as long as your not putting crazy with crazy. 

Dad: Something simple on top, like a sweater or muted toned button up. 

Mom: Make it a statement piece, like a patterned or floral dress. Don't want to be dressy? Try a striped or chunky sweater with some skinny denim and cute OTK boots! I always pick my outfit out first then go from there…hey if Mom is happy…everyone’s happy!

Kids: Easy...I try to find something that I know they will wear multiple times throughout the season, that way I know it's something that's not out of the ordinary.

2. Location:

After I have picked out the outfits it's time to pick a location for our family picture ideas. I learned something early on, don't necessarily pick a place out because of your outfits. Sometimes I love being in a casual area, all dressed up. Or in a fancy place, looking casual. To be honest one of my favorite places we ever took pictures was on the side of the freeway because we were losing daylight!

3. Keeping Children Happy:

This is the hardest part of all! I always try to do pictures with my kids right when they have woken up, or right after they have woken up from a nap. Always make sure they have been fed recently, or you bring mess free snacks. If that doesn't work, I always bring candy, usually skittles or something small that I can hand one each to while we are snapping. 

4. Getting the Shot you Want:

As parents, always look like you are ready for a picture. The kids will be hit and miss, but if you are prepared at least maybe half the shots will look good! If you feel like an idiot, your probably doing it right! What comes out afterwards always looks pretty genuine. 

5. Lifestyle:

Sometimes the photos that are not staged and totally unpredictable are my favorites. Interact with your kids like you would at home, make them feel "normal." might love it!

