
why i chose to blog unspecified-327 unspecified-328 unspecified-329 unspecified-330 unspecified-331 unspecified-334 unspecified-335 unspecified-336 unspecified-337 unspecified-338 unspecified-339

Was I absolutely terrified?  Scared as crap to post pics of myself 24/7... can you say NARCISSIST! Wondered what everyone I know would think about me?  The answer to all of these is yes!  If we are being real honest here...and I am...It took my sister and I two years to finally get the courage to start and promote this blog.  We actually started a blog two years ago called "Out of my sister's closet," unfortunately we were so concerned and nervous to put ourselves out there that we never published.  At this time I was still teaching part time and JayCee had a new baby.  We began to talk ourselves out of it, and realized we probably don't have enough time right now to take this on.

After my second baby Lux, I quit teaching.  At this time I realized how much I actually did like being "busy!"  At the time I thought I will like nothing more than sitting at home with my babies.  During nap time I quickly realized there were not enough Mindy Project episodes to last me.  I then began researching what I could do as a stay at home mom.  I'm talking hobbies here... People I have NO hobbies...it's actually kind of sad.  Thought well maybe i'll clean my house more...that lasted a day!  I needed to do something that made me happy, not to mention a little self worth :)

Haven't even mentioned the fact that my handsome husband is starting dental school in the fall...let me put this in layman's terms...STUDENT LOANS!  So if I can make a little money as well while I'm searching...even better!

This brings me to the blog, I started reading up and researching more about blogs.  I could not believe how much money people could make by writing and blogging about things they actually enjoyed!  Like I said previously...no hobbies over here, however I LOVE to shop...is this a hobby?  The jury is still out...Still trying to convince the Hubs!  Naturally I figured this topic plus my family (most important thing in the world to me) might be something I could actually write about.   I reached out to JayCee...my partner in crime in all shopping experiences, to see if she would be interested, and lo and behold "Life of a Sister" was born.

Is blogging a breeze? NO! Blogging is so much more difficult then I thought... I had no idea how much time and effort this would take.  Do I ever question what I am doing?  Do I think it would be easier to quit?  Absolutely... Sometimes I sit in my computer chair and stare at my computer and think...why am I doing this again?  Then I have to sit back and remember... this is not going to happen over night!  We are just 6 months into this and still learning!

I wouldn't take it back for anything, I feel that my sister and I's bond has grown even more so then it was before, if that was even possible!  Not to mention I would never give up the opportunity to be able to stay at home with my boys everyday.  I won't ever miss the chance to put that bandaid on a scratch or bruise, or when Parks comes up for no reason at all and sits on my lap.  Being able to see Lux wave for the first time, or finally get the courage to walk around the coffee table...it's the little things peeps!

With this said...I hope if your reading this and have thought about starting a blog once or twice before, you have a little more push over the fence to begin!