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Shirt- c/o ILY COUTURE




Backpack- c/o of Harper Trends

Watch- c/0 Daniel Wellington


Shirt- c/o ILY COUTURE



Shirt- c/o ILY COUTURE


My husband is now a full-time dental student and I am a full-time mom.  I stopped working after Lux was born almost 18 months ago and I considered that to be when I became a full-time mom.  Although after this past month, I was oh so wrong!  Christian graduated from his undergrad almost a year ago and has been working since then.  However even though he was working he was home in the mornings, and almost always home for dinner and to help with bed time routine.  I didn't realize how good I had it, I would go to the gym 4-5 times a week, try to hit the grocery store when he was home, so I could go SOLO, and even fit a random pedicure or girls night in when I could!  Needless to say, times have changed. The boys and I now wake up just the three of us, and go to bed, just the three of us.  We knew this was coming, though now that it is real it's much harder than it looked.

With that said, I decided I needed to make the most of it.  I sat up late one night and thought to myself, you have THE BEST JOB in the world.  You get to raise and love your own flesh and blood.  I don't have to go to work every morning and drop my kids at daycare, I don't have to worry about someone else "raising" my babies, I GET to do it.  I can't imagine how many people would want to be in my shoes.

Since changing my attitude my whole perspective on life in general has been more positive.  Here are some ways I have found make me a better mom...

  • House cleaning is not my forte, though I found if I clean and straighten every morning, my house looks like a bomb went off a lot less.
  • Listening to my 3 year old.  Yes many of the conversations are about dinosaurs and Paw Patrol, but it's important to him none the less.
  • Trying not to raise my voice, this is a hard one!
  • Spending one on one time with each child.
  • Sitting down and having a meal as a family.
  • Getting my kids outside, wether it be a park, a pool, or sitting in my front yard.
  • Try to not be SO controlling, in order for them to become more independent I need to let them figure things out on their own.
  • Don't sweat the small stuff!  In the end...does it really matter?!

Being a mom is all I ever wanted to be, now I am, and even though the days can be long all by myself, I should probably make the most of it.



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