Something's gotta give!

_MG_5848 _MG_5850 _MG_5855 _MG_5858 _MG_5859 _MG_5861 _MG_5864 _MG_5869 _MG_5870 Hey guys!

Its Friday night, and as I was sitting with my daughter at the park, for the second time today, all I could think about was all the other things I should have been doing... But, "SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE!" Right???? My mom has often told me enjoy every stage of life, don't constantly wish away the time you are in. I hate to admit it, but I feel like I have in someway or another always been wishing for the next phase of life. When I was fourteen my life would be complete when I was sixteen so I could drive and date! When I was single, I would be happy when I was married, and when I was married I would be happy when I had a baby! Its not that I wasn't happy before these things, it just seems I was always looking ahead, instead of enjoying the now. Right now in my life, I constantly tell myself, when I no longer have to work, I will be able to be the super mom and wife that my mom was. That I will be able to have my house spotless, look perfectly put together, and have the most delicious meals on the table for my family, like she did. The reality is though I'm not my mom and I'm living a completely different life than she did. Though I wish sometimes so badly that I was able to be a stay at home mom, I'm not. What I need to think more about is how grateful I am to have a career that I am my own boss, get to make my own hours, and am able to support my family during this time, while Justin goes to school. So back to my, "SOMETHINGS GOTTA GIVE" I have a lot of things that are giving, but I have somethings that I am firm on. As of right now, I mean this very second, we have no sheets on our bed, literally its just the comforter, obviously that is something that just has had to give this week. On the other hand today, I did four lashes, went to the gym, spent the rest of the day with my daughter at the park, pool, park again, and then had an amazing family night with just the three of us! That is where I am firm as of right now if my life! My three main things that I will not budge on is supporting my family, working out (for my sanity), and spending quality time with my daughter and husband! Like I said the other stuff can GIVE, at least right now in this phase of my life! Hope you all have an amazing weekend and remember to let somethings GIVE, but stay firm to the thing you want to!





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