How I plan to stay active during pregnancy


Maternity work out Top: c/o Gaya Fitness

Maternity crop pants: c/o Gaya Fitness

Through out my other two pregnancies I did not work AT ALL.  Actually working out has been a new thing for me the past year and half. I started spin like I said about a year a half ago, I have tried a million different things, nothing worked. My biggest problem was I would get SO BORED.  A friend of mine told me I had to go try spin out.

The first time I went I literally thought I would die, or pass out for that matter.  Lets be honest the first 3 or 4 times I thought I would die.  But then it became my outlet, I loved it!  It's like a party on a bike, loud music, dancing and sweating your butt off! I since then have become obsessed and love every minute.

I'm not sure if this is just a different pregnancy or if it is the change of me working out, but like I said before I have had a better pregnancy, and if it has to do with working out...i'll take it! Not only this but I heard that it can make for an easier delivery and recovery. I try to go 3-4 times a week, and hope to go as long as I can through out my pregnancy.

I guess we won't know until October...

