Everyone knows, whether you have been pregnant or not, the first trimester of pregnancy SUCKS! Pregnant women, including myself ask themselves and others all the time, what can I do to help morning sickness?! Or "ALL DAY" sickness as I like to call it!
This is now my third pregnancy, and I feel as though I have learned a couple tricks to help that oh so long first 17-20 weeks in my case. Disclaimer...nothing makes me feel completely normal...just helps!
- This one that my doctor suggested is really why I believe this pregnancy has been a little bit easier. I take a prenatal vitamin and half a unison (sleeping aid) every night. Some people may think this is crazy...but it has worked! With my previous pregnancies I had to take Zofran every day, multiple times a day, just to keep my lunch from coming up. This pregnancy I have not taken one!
- When I wake up in the morning I much as possible to chill in my bed for a couple minutes and even eat something if possible. I keep dry cereal next to my bed in order to get something in my stomach first thing.
- CHEESE! Yes you heard me right, cheese is my saving grace during the first trimester. It's a snack that I can tolerate and keeps me full for a decent amount of time.
- 6 small meals instead of 3 larger ones. If I can keep my stomach filled, I feel queasy less.
- Keeping hydrated, drinking water or any healthy fluids makes me feel better.
- Having everything done around the house (laundry, dinner, straighten the house, homework) by 4, that's when the sickness hits me hard!
- Avoid cooking anything strong smelling, cold food and crackers for every meal for me. I sit outside sometimes if I cook the kids anything.
- Get to bed early, think thats an obvious one!
- No perfume, or any fragrant lotions.
- Finally... ICE CHIPS!
Pregnancy is not my favorite thing, but I am thankful every day that I am able to have children when so many around me can not. The baby in your arms at the end of it all...ALL WORTH IT!