I was never considered a "daddy's girl" when I was young...and sometimes that made me feel bad. I don't really know why? Now that I look back I realize my dad cared for me more than I will ever know. My youngest brother just graduated high school and they are driving him up to college as we speak. All four children have graduated high school, 2 of us have finished college, are happily married and have children. My other brother is married in college and preparing for the LSAT, and my brother that just graduated is preparing for an LDS mission in August to Chile! My parents sure have something to be proud of. We are not perfect...not even close, but we are happy and doing the best we can.
A huge reasoning for this is my dad, my dad expects the upmost from us, and because of this I always tried my best to make him proud. Looking back now I realize that it was not to make us feel stupid or incompetent, but really to help us know that we can always do better or try harder.
My dad is the most fun person I know. He is ready for a party any day and time...this may be my favorite thing about him! He wants us kids to be around all the time, he could realize we are all on our own now and take advantage of his alone time, but he prefers the craziness at his house...I think?!?! :) My dad can make anyone feel welcome, from my weird friends in high school, to a cute little cashier at the grocery store. He is absolutely hilarious and can make anyone laugh! Not to mention the BEST PAPA in the world...Parks thinks he walks on water and it's true! I have never seen someone light up as much as my dad does when my kids walk in the room.
When I was younger, in my dating years, my dad told me something that I will never forget. I was dating someone pretty seriously and didn't really know where to go from where I was. He simply said to me, does he support you and all you do and make you feel like you walk on water? I sat back and thought, not really. That was it, that simple phrase made me realize I needed to move on. I later found the man of my dreams and he did that and more.
Now my husband, he still is the most amazing man I know and now a father to my two children. Christian is almost perfect, and I don't know how I am fortunate enough to call him mine. He is the hardest working man I know, he will do whatever it takes to make his family feel comfortable. He is smart and dedicated to his schooling and is excited to be a dentist. He can play any sport there is, and be anyones friend. Not to mention the bed daddy around, many dad's would come home from work and sit on the couch, not Christian he cleans up dinner, baths the boys and reads them stories before they go to bed so mommy doesn't go CRAZY! He truly loves and cares for those boys more than anything.
Many say Father's Day is not as important or as big of a deal as Mother's Day... I disagree! The Father's in my life are amazing and deserve to be recognized just as much as the Mother's in my family. Who knows where I would be today if I didn't have wonderful Father's to support and love our families.
I Love you!
A huge thanks to Dazi USA for this amazing tie that Christian is wearing! Check them out!
Boys- bow ties [show_shopthepost_widget id="1698576"]