Baby Registry Essentials at Walmart

This baby registry essentials post sponsored by Walmart, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

It’s no secret I love babies, I see a baby i’m baby hungry, I hear a baby I want to hold it. After 3 babies of my own I fee like I have finally mastered the musts and things you can pass on. All my favorites can be found in one place Walmart!

Baby Registry Essentials with Walmart:

Whether your creating your own registry or needing a gift for someone, you can’t go wrong with any of these!

Dock a Tot :

My first time trying this baby out was with my last baby. I couldn’t believe how much I ended up loving it. Gives baby the comfort of feeling close with out the dangers.

Owlet :

If you have been a mother you know that those first months can be so scary at night, checking their breathing every 5 minutes, making sure everything is ok. The Owlet tracks heart beat, oxygen levels & streams video & audio on your phone.

Snoo Smart Sleeper :

This was also only used on my third baby (crazy how many new items within 5 years) let’s just say, if you have a hard time sleep training or a colicky baby this is where its at! It does not come at low price, but may be worth it if your not getting any sleep!

Sound Machines :

If you don’t have one, get one. GAME CHANGER, we still take ours with us even when we travel. Both of these are great options!

Comotomo Bottles :

A great option if you are going to nurse and bottle feed!

Babyletto Crib :

I bought this crib 3 years ago and am still in love with it! A timeless classic that is gender neutral… and it’s on sale!

Bumbo, Binki, Lanolin, car seat, stroller, blankets.