Baby Traveling Essentials with Walmart

Do you travel during the holidays? We do, almost every year! We actually are gone for almost the entire 2 week break. After 3 and half children I feel like we have got the packing and traveling essentials down to make things easier! First things first…

Top 4 Baby Traveling Essentials:

Car Seat:

As petty as this sounds, the more couch like the car seat the easier the long ride! My kids truly “love” their car seat. I mentioned to my second that he would have to move to a booster seat in the back when baby comes and he was so upset! Please don’t make me get out of my car seat! I get it dude your Maxi Cosi Pria 85 Max is like a small recliner. Don’t forget about drink holders, a necessity people! My kids love having it right to their side, and it lessens the chances of mom having to climb over the back seat to find the sippy cup!

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Sippy Cups:

Now that I have mentioned the sippy cup, let’s talk the best ones! These ones and these are the best of the best, no leaking, good flow and fit in the cup holder! Sippy cups are a must when traveling, you don’t have to worry about getting kids drinks at stops, just buy one water bottle and refill the sippy cups.

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The Uppa Baby Vista stroller has been my favorite stroller for every day/travel for a few years. Not only is it reliable and durable, but it looks amazing as well. It’s the classiest around for sure. For me convience is key, it’s super easy to disassemble and pile in the car!

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Pack n Play/Sleep:

A Pack n Play is a must, and let me be honest when I say…don’t spend a lot of money on this. They get trashed in travel and essentially they are all the same! We have tried many, there are better fits for babies than toddlers. This particular one is a favorite when my babies range from 0-6 months. It keeps them cozy…while still able to move around. If your child is any older, go for something below!

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Traveling can be difficult with babies/kids. But it can be made easier if you have the right things! Here’s to hoping your travels this winter are easier!