The Snoo

Everyone knows that sleeping and a new little baby can be very difficult. I had heard so many great things about "The Snoo" before I had Banks and I knew I wanted to try it with him. I have to admit I was a little hesitant in trying out the Snoo solely because I didn't want my baby to get used to the swaying and not transition well into his own crib. Because of this I decided to nap my baby in his crib and sleep at night in the Snoo. This worked out really well for us!

Things I love about The Snoo:


  • I love the wrap inside of the Snoo, I used many wraps with my first two babies and this is hands down my favorite. Keeps them snug, but not too hot.

  • It's beautiful to look at, and not an eye sore in my room.

  • When turned on, white noise plays so I don't also have to have a sound machine on.
  • It's SUPER safe, the wrap snaps in to the Snoo so that your baby can not roll over. If you are a nervous mom this is the bassinet for you!

The Snoo - Things to be Aware of :


  • It is heavy, and not really able to travel with you. So if planning to travel it won't be able to come with you.
  • Price...It is expensive, however it is well worth it if you have a baby who is struggling to sleep!
  • Transfer to crib- I actually thought this would be the most difficult part and was my one big concern in trying the Snoo out. To my surprise Banks had no problem transitioning out.
  • Make sure you order a couple extra sheets and wraps because if they ever spit up or have a blow out in the middle of the night you will have a back up!
  • When on the Snoo rocks back and forth, to help with him not getting use to this I only turned this on during naps. Then if he got really upset in the night I would turn it on.

Needless to say, the Snoo is amazing, and if I had a baby that wouldn't sleep or was colicky it would seriously be a lifesaver!