Marketplace at Albertsons


This post has been sponsored by The Marketplace, by Albertsons. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

With the new year approaching, it’s time to start thinking about New Years resolutions. What do we want to focus on and speak into existence for ourselves? Some of you may think it’s silly, but getting into the right mindset truly creates all the difference in the world.

Last year, my new year’s resolution was to eat healthier. It was tough for me at first since I love to snack. I always assumed I would have to eat repetitive salads and get bored with a “diet,” but there are so many delicious healthy options out there that satisfy a craving!

Finding The Marketplace at helped me tremendously. It’s an online store from Albertsons where you can get snacks, personal care, and pet items delivered right to your door. It makes it so easy to find healthy alternatives for all your favorite guilty pleasures, so there’s no excuse for ditching the resolution

You don’t need to completely change your lifestyle to start living a healthier life. You just need to be honest with yourself and find what works for you. Everyone is different, and all it takes is the first step! Making simple changes goes a long way.

Personally, I swapped out greasy breakfast foods for a yummy breakfast bar. I stopped sipping soda so early in the morning and started drinking juice. Instead of munching on chips while watching TV, I grabbed organic trail mix. These small gestures slowly started to make a huge difference. Eating healthier has made me feel a million times better, and now I have more energy to spend with my kids. I honestly don’t know why I waited so long to make these changes.

To maximize my day, I wake up in the morning and take my High Level Sunny Vitamin. (It’s only $10 for a bottle of 50!) I fix up a healthy organic breakfast with yogurt, Bear Naked Granola, and some of my favorite fruits. When I’m ready for a snack, I grab some Blue Diamond almonds and rich HomePlate honey peanut butter. I always carry Balance Bars in my purse for on-the-go snacking. My kids LOVE them, and it’s perfect for after-school pickup in the car.

The Marketplace at Albertsons allows you to purchase directly from local vendors through Albertsons. You can read little stories and anecdotes from the sellers themselves, so you know more about the products you’re buying. For example, HomePlate peanut butter was founded by a group of former professional baseball players who grew up eating a ton of peanut butter for a tasty boost between innings. How fun is that? I absolutely love learning about more about the companies I’m supporting, so this feature is a big win for me!

The Marketplace at Albertsons offers an incredible variety of specialty products across grocery, wellness, household and pet categories. It’s so easy and convenient to just shop online from the comfort of my own home instead of dealing with the craziness of traditional grocery stores. I love that I can just fill up a cart online and get everything I need without it interrupting my busy schedule. They even have free shipping! Since starting to eat healthier, I genuinely notice huge improvements.

I’m so happy I stuck with my new years resolutions thanks to The Marketplace.

Visit to explore more amazing products to integrate into your life!

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